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Humanities Directory

Humanities are referred to as the study of people and their societies. The different branches of humanities study are Anthropology, History and Philosophy. The different fields of humanities include Classics include ancient Latin, Greek and Hebrew texts etc, History, Language, Literature, Performing Arts, are further categorized into Music, theater, Dance, Philosophy, Religion, Visual Arts etc. As the Renaissance spread, Northern European scholars developed humanities a philosophy that greatly valued human dignity and moral values. The study of Classics revolutionized education by teaching the humanities like moral philosophy, which greatly valued human dignity and moral values. The study of classics revolutionized education by teaching the humanities like moral, grammar, history, rhetoric and poetry. The humanities offers clues and but not an answer to the questions.

Website Listings

Arts and Humanities Data Service

UK national service, collect and preserve the electronic resources which result from research in the arts and humanities.

Arts and Letters Daily

Provides daily report of news in art. Includes details of new magazines, newspapers and articles.

Listening to Words

Offers free mp3 recordings of lectures in the humanities, science, literature, science, and more.we can discuss your favorites.

Supports teaching and RND projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University.

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